"Who wants to be ordinary? I'd rather be extraordinary." - Marco, 7 years old
What we stand for
Learning to play ‘Twister’ by themselves.
different strokes for different folks
1. Being different is better – we are nerds, artists, extroverts, and introverts. We are book-lovers and game players. Because each child is unique, we believe that teaching children to know who they are, and be proud of it, is a big part of self-worth. Students who possess self-knowledge are more likely to lead fulfilling, relevant lives.
2. There are different ways of learning – which is why we advocate blended learning. We can tailor different activities and life experiences for students, helping them understand, appreciate and apply what they learn in different situations.
3. Learning is a meaningful experience – it isn’t limited to a classroom, or age group. The people who are part of the school are all professed life-long learners and we interpret what we learn in our own way. We are still curious about a lot of things, and we try to do something different each day to improve ourselves intellectually and emotionally. Living life is a learning experience so we try to live it fully.
our Juniors (1st to 3rd graders) during our 2017-2018 Leap Day.
we're all in this together
4. Education involves the parents and the community – we are all partners in raising our students. From the school staff to the student’s extended family; it is important we listen, consult, and contribute our skills, time and heart into improving the learning experiences of our students.
5. We value wit– an important facet of intelligence is the ability to combine it with humor, and express it in writing, speaking, and in other creative endeavors. This, plus the gift of being able to laugh at oneself, helps a child exercise quick thinking while remaining grounded and avoid taking him/herself too seriously—which sometimes burdens many intelligent or gifted individuals.
6. We each serve a purpose – We believe that that each being, creature, and event has a purpose and as such, we try our best to show equal respect and care for all.
7. Everyone is a Teacher – learning doesn’t end; even “masters” can be beginners. The simplest person can impart valuable lessons—as long as the we are each receptive and humble enough to acknowledge it. The goal is to fill minds with wonder regardless of age.
A mound of dirt that was meant for the garden suddenly became a hill, a fort, and a base for the students to play with.